Steven Mastroianni


Cleveland Wedding and Portrait Photography for Cleveland and Northeast Ohio

Oscura Luce: photography and sculpture by K Austin

Inspired by his love for the idealized and stylized figurative art from Baroque painters, K Austin's solo exhibition "Oscura Luce" presents drawing, photography, and sculpture as a medium to talk about figurative art in a more contemporary time. Austin is a student at the Cleveland Institute of Art, and this exhibit is being presented with support from CIA and Creativity Works.

"Clothing is a barrier from the idea that the skin we’re in is natural. The thin fabrics seen throughout the photography portion of my project is the ideation of the clothing. The light in the pieces bringing the figure out of the darkness is connected to this idea that working with the figure in both drawing and sculpture is a lost idea that is looked down upon in society today. The beauty of these pieces is intended to change this idea.

Wood is looked at as a strong structure that our society lives on. I will use this material to draw the figure on to, whether it being male, female, and different ethnicities to enhance the idea that the skill of portraying the figure is a lot stronger than pencil on paper. Each wood drawing piece will be cut or developed in a specific way based on the particular model or models’ personality that is in the piece. In all hope the viewer would see this piece with a lot more emotion than they would have if they just saw it as a drawing."

Oscura Luce opens at Silver Scuro Gallery, 5606 Fleet Ave, on Saturday July 7 from 6-10PM, and will be on exhibit by appointment and Friday, July 13 and 20, 4-7PM. Join us for an artist's talk on Saturday, July 21st at 1PM (NOTE: date changed from 7/14).