Silver-Scuro Studio/Steven Mastroianni

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Photos, Tangos, Skull Cookies, etc.

A perfect night for a great opening was had at Mastroianni Photography and Arts this past Friday, as we celebrated Charlotte Mann's exhibition of prints from her visits to Mexico. cookies by Kristina Haberek

Mastroianni Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts

Russell Vidrick

Cindy Deering and Charlotte Mann

Charlotte Mann

Charlotte, Russell, Steve Thomas, and Chris Franke

Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts Mastroianni Photography and Arts